Egyptian Texts from the Greco-Roman Period

Warning: In this section I present various texts in literal transliteration that is to say the word is displayed as it is written and NOT as it should be written. The transliteration of reference usually does already exist and will be mentioned when known to me. My purpose is to give to the reader a tool helping him to read faster and catch easier the essence of each word. Comparison of both transliterations reveals in full the Ancient Egyptians' stenographical way of writing.

The vocabulary displayed is partly built on the book of Raymond O. FAULKNER, A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian, Oxford, 1962. Specials thanks are given to the Griffith Institute for the permission to use it.

Texts from the ptolemaic period

The stela of Rudamen (IFAO 14456)

The inscription of general Psamtik

The stela of Besmut (Cairo JE 2747

Edict of Nectanebo II (Berlin ÄM 14399)

Biographical inscription of Petosiris

Inscription of Ankh-pa-hered

Statue of Djedhor, a Healer-Priest (Cairo JE 46341)

Stela of mut-min (Vienna ÄS 236)

Stela of Nehem-set-Rat-tawy (Cairo JE 88877)

The Inscription of Hor-Nefer (Lausanne inv. 7 (Widmer))

Statues of Nesmin

Statue of Semset (Stockholm NME 74)

Epitaphs of a Buchis bull

Statue of Senu-Sher (BM EA 1668))

Epitaph of Nesisti (BM EA 379)

Epitaph of Horemhotep (BM EA 380)

Epitaph of Tahebet (Lady Meux 52)

Hymns to Horus

Epitaph of Tathotis (Vienna 5857)

Statue of Teos (Cairo CG 700)

Epitaph of Nefersobek

Decree of the priests at Memphis (Cairo RT 2/3/25/7+JE 44901)

Statue of Horpakhepesh

Donation of Ptolemy VI to Isis at Philae

Epitaph of Achomarres – Hor

Statue of the astronomer Harkhebi (Cairo JE 38545)

Statue of the dioiketes Harchebi / Archibios

Praise of the Creator Gods

Legend of Horus of Behutet and the Winged Disk

Epitaph of Pasas at Edfu

Epitaph of Hatheritis

Advice on the conduct of priests

Statue of Platon the Younger

Epitaph of Anemhor (Hieroglyphic/demotic)

Epitaph of Kheredankh (London UC 14357)

Epitaph of Tayimhotep (BM EA 147)

Epitaph of Psherenptah (BM EA 886)

Statue of Pamenches (Cairo JE 46320)

Epitaph of Imhotep-Pedubast (BM EA 188)

Epitaph of Taneferher (BM EA 184)

Construction of the new temple of Hathor

Epitaph of Kheredankh (Hildesheim PM 6352)


Texts from the Roman period

Roman stelae from the Bucheum

Roman stelae in the Cairo Museum

Roman inscriptions from Coptos

Hymn to Imhotep

Graffito of Esmet-Akhom